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The name of this organization shall be the American Pre-Optometric Association, established as a not for profit corporation. This organization may also refer to itself as APOA.


The purpose of this organization is to encourage an interest in the eye-care profession through education and promoting engagement in all aspects of vision care.  All activities and functions of the APOA shall be legal under university, local, state, and federal laws.


Section 1. Affiliated Associations
Affiliated associations shall be those Pre-Optometric Associations of Universities or Colleges in the states, the District of Columbia, commonwealths, territories or possessions of the United States. Each University or College shall only have one affiliated association that is a part of the APOA.

Section 2. Membership
A.The membership of this Association shall consist of college level students interested in Optometry, Ophthalmology, and other general vision health care as established in the bylaws of this Association. No hazing or discrimination will be used as a condition of membership in this Association. Membership is open at all times. No student may be denied membership on the basis of race, creed, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, national origin, marital status, parental status, disability, or the inability to pay dues.

B. Membership may be revoked without mutual agreement for misconduct or violations of any provisions of the Constitution or Bylaws. The first offense will result in a warning and after the second, the member will be notified in writing of the possible revocation. Membership can only be revoked upon 2/3 majority vote of eligible members.

C. Any student whose membership is revoked will have seven calendar days to appeal the revocation. The appeal must be submitted in writing to the President and Secretary, and must include relevant information that has not already been presented. The President will then submit the appeal to the Appeals committee. This committee consists of two executive board members and three general members. This committee will then render a decision at the next general body meeting or in seven calendar days, whichever occurs first.

Section 3. Sections
Members can unite in the formation of a special section upon petition to the Board of Directors and Executive Board. The governing of each section shall be determined according to rules and regulations established in the bylaws of this organization.

The regulations and policy-making body of this Association will be the Board of Directors and Executive Board, which will establish and function as provided in the bylaws. These bylaws shall be executed by all Board members and general members. The Board of Directors and Executive Board will also oversee that the policies will be performed as prescribed in the bylaws.  The Board of Directors of this Association will consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, and Chairman of the Board of Trustees.  The Executive Board will consist of an Executive Director and an Executive Secretary to the Director.  The Board of Directors and the Executive Board may also be referred to collectively as “the Board” or “Board.”  Their qualifications, duties, and terms of office will be provided in the bylaws.

A meeting of the Board will be conducted every month to discuss the Association and review comments and suggestions either by video conference, telephone conference, or via email.

The official website of the APOA shall be its Facebook group.  The website URL for this website shall be  Membership into the group must be granted by a member of The Board.  The website shall serve as the primary means of communication between The Board and members of the APOA.

During the Board meetings, it will take a 2/3 majority vote on any changes to pass. These can include changes to the Constitution or bylaws.


American Pre-Optometric Association By Laws


Section 1. Classification and Qualifications
Members of the American Pre-Optometric Association shall be classified as follows:

A. Active Members: A student who is a member in good standing with the Association and whose dues are timely received by the Association (after the time/date that dues have been implemented into the organization).  Only students who are members of a Pre-Optometric Organization officially registered with the APOA can be considered members.  A college/university Pre-Optometric Organization can consider itself an official member of the APOA once a Trustee has been chosen to be apart of the APOA’s Board of Trustees and has been registered with the Chairman of the Board of Trustees.

B. Distinguished Members: A student who has completed the term of office of President of this society shall, upon completion of such term of office, automatically become a distinguished member of the Association.

C. Honorary Members: A student who has rendered outstanding service to the Association or Optometry in general may be eligible as an honorary member. Written nominations for such members shall be made by an affiliated active member to the Board, which shall decide on whether said person should be considered an honorary member.

D. Membership Rights: All members shall have full membership rights as set forth in these bylaws.

Section 2. Finances
A. Membership dues shall be $15 per year or $10 per semester (after the time/date that dues have been implemented into the organization). Extra amounts may be charged as seen necessary by either the President or the Treasurer. Membership dues will be collected at the first meeting of the fall and spring semesters. No membership will be collected over summer. No university student may be denied membership due to inability to pay dues. If a member is not able to day dues, other arrangements will be made.

B. For the protection of the Association, it is required that at least two authorized Directors of the Board sign off on all monetary transactions for the Association. Only the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer are authorized Board members to sign on the Association’s account. Organizational funds may be spent on items such as office supplies, events, activities, publicity, travel expenses, conference fees, etc. but will not be used for anything illegal under University, local, state, or federal laws.

C. In the unlikely event that the Association ceases to exist, any funds remaining in the Association's account shall be donated to the organization Unite for Sight.

Section 3. Termination of Membership
A. Any member of this Association who is suspended or expelled from membership in an affiliated association shall, upon receipt of notice, automatically be terminated until such time as such member may be readmitted to membership in an affiliated association.

B. The Elected Officers may, in appropriate cases, suspend or expel any member because of not abiding by rules and regulations of membership or by whatever means they deem reasonable, the violation of any University, local, state, or federal law, rule or regulation relating to the practice of Optometry or Ophthalmology, or the violation of any code of ethics of this Association. In such cases, a Board member will send to such member a statement of the charges against them and such member will have seven calendar days to respond. After which the appeals committee will examine the charges and render a decision.

Section 1. Election, Terms of Office, and Vacancies
A. The Board of Directors the Association shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, and Chairman of the Board of Trustees.

B.All positions will be elected annually during the last meeting or last month of the school year via email. Each Board member will get one vote for each Board of Director position. Anyone who is interested in becoming a Director must submit their name for the ballot at least four weeks before the time of elections.

C. Directors shall serve one full school year or until their successor has taken office.

D. All Directors must remain an active member while in office or they will be forced to give up their title and the position will become vacant.

E. If a position becomes vacant for any reason, the remaining officers will select someone who they see fit to fill the vacated position.

Section 2. Duties
No Director will be permitted to hold more than one Board position at any one time. All Directors shall retain voting rights, however, when it comes time for electing the next Directors, the President shall not vote unless there is a tie.
Directors cannot reappoint themselves for a second-term; they must be re-elected if they want to seek a second-term.

The President shall:
A.Supervise the activities of the Association
B.Preside over all meetings and call all meetings to order
C.Be one of the signers to financial documents
D.Coordinate all conferences
E.Ensure all officers are performing their duties as defined
F.Assign special projects to officers
G.Collaborate with the vice-president to publish a report at the end of the term

The Vice-President shall:
A.Assist the President in their duties
B.Assumes the Presidents responsibilities in their absence
C.Keep accurate records of all meetings in the Secretary’s absence
D.Plan and be responsible for all retreats and training of the Officers and membership recruitment
E.Be one of the signers to financial documents
F.Assist in special projects assigned by the President
G.Collaborate with the president to publish a report at the end of the term

The Secretary shall:
A.Notify members of meetings via email at least 48 hours in advance
B.Keep accurate records of all meetings
C.Maintain accurate list of members and their contact information
D.Maintain an attendance record
E.Prepare elections; order of speeches, tallying votes, etc.
F.Keep copy of constitution and have available for members
G.Be one of the signers to financial documents
H.Be in charge of the APOA email system
I.Assist in special projects as assigned by the President

The Treasurer shall:
A.Keep an accurate account of all funds received and expended
B.Be one of the signers to financial documents
C.Be responsible for collecting dues and notifying members who are not timely in their payments
D.Be responsible for creating budget reports at the beginning of each semester and as requested by any of the other Officers
E.Assist in special projects as assigned by the President

The Historian shall:
A.Be responsible for taking photos during activities and conventions
B.Maintain a scrapbook
C.Be responsible for any public relations projects
D.Keep a record of all volunteer opportunities
E.Assist in any special projects as assigned by the President
F. Update APOA website (Pictures, News, etc.)

The Chairman of the Board of Trustees shall:
A.Be responsible for the organization of the Board of Trustees
B. Invite former Board of Directors members to join the AOSA Board of trustees upon admittance into Optometry school
C.Institute the Bright Horizons Program with the help of the Board of Trustees
D.Assist the Secretary in the organization of the official APOA affiliated schools and rosters list
E.Act as a liaison between university optometry clubs, Board of Trustees members, and our national APOA.
F.Assist in any special projects assigned by the President

Section 1 - Election, Terms of Office, and Vacancies
A.The Executive Board of the Association consists of an Executive Director and a Secretary to the Executive Director.

B.The Executive Director shall remain in the position until resignation or expulsion by the Board in the same manner prescribed in Article II for Board members.
C.The Secretary to the Executive Director shall be appointed by the Executive Director on a yearly basis in the manner prescribed in Article II for Board members.  The Secretary to the Executive Director shall serve for one full year or until a successor has been appointed.

D.Executive Board Members must remain active members while in office or they will be forced to give up their position and it will become vacant.

E.If the Secretary to the Executive Director position becomes vacant, a new one will be appointed by the Executive Director.  If the Executive Director position becomes vacant, a process for replacement will be developed and voted on by a two-thirds majority vote by the remaining Board.

Section 2 - Duties
No Executive Board member will be permitted to hold more than one Board position at any time.  The Executive Secretary to the Director cannot re-appoint oneself to a second term; he/she must be re-appointed to serve a second term by the Executive Director.

The Executive Director shall:
A.Oversee all activities (financial, legal, state) of the Association
B.Set up the means by which monthly meetings shall take place
C.Act as the primary contact for all optometry officials (national, state, and university) for APOA.
D.Be in charge of any legal information put forth by the Association or another body.
E.Ensure that all activities are conducted in a legal, ethical, and productive manner.
F.Be a counselor for Board members if any issues present themselves. 

The Secretary to the Executive Director shall:
A.Keep accurate meeting records of the Board to supplement the records of the Secretary of the Board of Directors.
B.Assist in special projects assigned by the President.
C.Assist in special projects assigned by the Executive Director

Section 1.  Election, Terms of Office, and Vacancies
A.The Board of Trustees shall consist of one member from each Pre-Optometric Organization which is officially affiliated with APOA.

B.Each Trustee shall be elected in the manner prescribed in the By-Laws of the university/college Pre-Optometric Organization in which he/she is affiliated.

C.Each Trustee shall serve a term determined by the university/college Pre-Optometric Organization in which he/she is affiliated.

D.If a Trustee position becomes vacant, the President of the university/college Pre-Optometric organization is obligated to contact the Chairman of the Board of Trustees to notify him/her of the vacancy.  A plan to fill the vacancy will then be developed between the President of the affiliated Pre-Optometric Organization and the Chairman of the Board of Trustees.  Failure to do this will result in the termination of membership of said Pre-Optometric Organization.

Section 1. National Liaison positions (AOSA)

A. There are 13 national liaison positions as follows:
American Academy of Optometry (AAO)
American Board of Optometry (ABO)
American Optometric Association Political Action Committee (AOA-PAC)
American Public Health Association (APHA)
Armed Forces Optometric Society (AFOS)
Association of Regulatory Boards in Optometry (ARBO)
Association of Schools & Colleges of Optometry (ASCO)
College of Optometrists in Vision Development (COVD)
Contact Lens and Cornea Section (CLCS)
Optometry Cares - InfantSEE
Federal Relations Committee/AOA
National Board of Examiners in Optometry (NBEO)
Optometric Extension Program Foundation (OEPF)

Section 1. AOSA Board of Trustees Positions
A. It shall be customary that Board members, upon acceptance and matriculation into an optometry school registered with The Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry (ASCO), apply for positions as Board of Trustee members in AOSA if he/she desires.

Amendments to the Constitution or Bylaws must be proposed in writing or email to the President. The President must then present the amendment to the rest of the Board. The Elected Officers then discuss and decide on whether the amendment will pass or not. It takes a 2/3 majority vote of the Elected Officers for the amendment to pass.

revised 9 months ago

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